Monday 20 August 2012

Things that... post 1

Following the major success of my 30 for 30 series, I’ve decided to follow this up by explaining to you a bit more about me. This series of blog are titled:

Things that: 

No.1:  Things that:  I would like to be involved with but it’s not happening

Evening all,

Well there are many things that i would like to be involved with at present but it’s not happening. Obviously there’s the chance of working as a reporter for a TV news team but i know that not happening for the foreseeable future but this topic is today still the major thing i want to change in my life.

And the answer is pretty simple; it’s being involved in a relationship with someone.

Now i know what you’re thinking, why is this topic being mentioned here?

It started off when i have been kept asking by a few people that “why haven’t you settled down yet?” or even “how come you don’t have a girlfriend yet?”

Well to put it simply one way or another, girls do not like me and yet i can’t understand why. Although i do like the attention of a lovely looking girl maybe I’m doing something wrong to attract someone who really likes me.

It started badly for me when i was in secondary school, although i did have a troubled time at secondary school, this for normal people is the excellent opportunity to meet someone young and enjoy yourself. Sadly i didn’t get any of these experiences as i was always the one where the girls would tend to avoid. Eventually i did make some friends with some girls but nothing happened. I wasn’t too worried at this time as i was young but willing to move on from this.

When i was at uni on my 3 occasions – yes i do count the times when i was at Nottingham Trent for 3 months in 2006 – the girls i have met at uni were very nice and i can easy get along with them i only saw them as friends from my uni and nothing more.
Apart from a couple of girls who i though were lovely and i would like to get to know them more away from my times at uni. But sadly it seemed that other matters would get in the way like other people beating me to the girls i want to ask out and my dropout of my course in 2006-07.
Plus the other experiences i have had as well have also driven me away from chatting up girls when I’m out on the town. One night out when i was in Torquay i did get chatting to a nice looking girl but as i went to get some drinks a couple of people told me that she was a ‘he-she’ so i put my drink down and immediately ran out of the pub.

At present, well it has gone really downhill firstly, after i have started my new job i did try to make friends with someone i met at work but sadly other commitments put paid to that.

Then i thought i would try to ask out one of the girls who i previously liked from university as she was living local and i thought it would be nice to see her. To put it simply it was not going to happen, even though i do have some genuine feelings for her i will never get the opportunity to express how i feel and although it makes me sad there’s nothing i can do about it.

It is just simply not ever going to happen but one reason i want this to happen is that i do not want to end up like my dad and my brother. My dad is constantly moaning about being tired and lonely and not doing anything about it. And my brother can’t even meet a girl because of his Aspergers Syndrome. So i am trying to get out there and meet people but with no luck so far.

Now i do have to admit, i am no Brad Pitt or anyone who is totally “Sex on legs” because that is totally not me. I also have a bad set of teeth which i have been told that it will cost me over £2000 to repair and i don’t see myself as a attractive kind of guy – although i do visit the gym twice a week to help me with this.

But to count against my negatives, i haven’t cheated on anyone, i see myself as a loyal guy who is passionate for what i do and what i believe in.